A trial strategy firm devoted to helping plaintiffs win — with a proven, cutting-edge focus group program that is tailored for your case.

In just one day of focus groups, you’ll learn what potential jurors really think of your case.

(hint, it’s probably not what you think)

You’ll discover potential jurors values, beliefs, attitudes and how they subconsciously trigger how they think.

Regular folks (just like your jurors) will be able to give you deep, first-hand insight into weaknesses or pain points of your case that may not have even occurred to you.

And most importantly:

We’ll work together to REFRAME your story in a way that powerfully connects with your jury.

How it works:

Step 1

Schedule your free initial consultation

Step 2

Pick your focus group date

Step 3

We’ll take care of the rest!
Click here to schedule your free consultation

What you’ll get:

  • quality participants who are like your jurors, hand-picked by our experienced market research team …
  • a seasoned, insightful moderator who knows your case and gets the group to really open up and talk …
  • a comfortable meeting space …
  • the participants’ detailed responses to our custom questionnaires about who they are …
  • their hand-written “stories” and other notes of how they view and would decide your case …
  • professional video of the focus groups — including (when available) a “picture-in-picture” of our presentation slides, so you can see at each moment what they react to …
  • our written report of findings and strategy recommendations for your trial.

Let us help you craft a winning trial strategy with expert, proven focus group research!

Click here to schedule your free consultation
